Forest Schools and Outdoor Learning
“There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing”
Alfred Wainwright wrote this in his 1973 book Coast to Coast and this is a principle we adopt in our school life.
Here at Nafferton Primary School, we are dedicated to giving children a wide range of skills, experiences and life lessons that are done so through various sensory-rich activities across all age groups.
One such learning experience we involve our children is that of our school's commitment to the "Forest Schools" programme.
Led by Mr Saltonstall and Mrs Cawthorn, our trained Forest School leaders appreciate the true value of outdoor learning and use of team-working skills to complete tasks set for the children, whilst observing health and safety.
Here are some photographs of our children being taught and then applying what they have learnt:
Forest School Sessions held over the Summer Holidays - the children were excited to share their knowledge and skills, along with learning some new things with their special people. We had lots of fun and fortunately the weather was kind to us too!
Forest School sessions
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